Sometimes we have to let go of things when we aren’t quite ready to let go. When it’s hard to say goodbye. When it’s sudden and unexpected. We are walking such a season, personally. Trying to stay close to truth and allow this season to refine and grow us while also allowing our feelings to come and go and notice gifts along the way.

Looking out the window this morning, seems the sun is hiding, the sassy owl is ignoring me due to lack of leaf cleanup, the cabbage and carrots are all that remains in the garden, and we haven’t lifted much of a finger all through winter to help them. Yet they still grow. The birds are swooping in and out, always cleaning seed out of our vegetable beds.

We have another few weeks before growing season starts. We are walking a bit more quietly and gently through the days. We have already been in the new space to start garden planning and our minds are churning.

But now that the fluster of the holiday season has passed, the year has closed, and we settle back into ordinary days, we will go back to our plan of sharing more about how many veggies we gave away last year. We hope you’ll be as encouraged as we are to dive into another growing season.